I'm a stay at home mom of 2 scrumptious little girl and a baby boy. In the past I've been an Interior Decorator, an artist, a waitress, and then one day, found out by accident that I have a love to decorate cookies. I never though of cookie decorating as an art until I realized how much satisfaction I was getting out of it. Now I make cookies for party favors, holidays, and well lets face it, who needs a reason?
A portion of my proceeds get donated to an organization that is very special to me. Camp For All Kids brings racial diversity to summer camps. They connect kids to camps and provide renewable camperships to make camping possible. Growing up, summer camp was where I learned who my true self was. I learned the value of friendships and took away an inner peace that is still with me today. Please check them out at: http://www.campforallkids.org/
Ah-hem, shameless plug aside, with three kids, my cookie business has slowed down a bit and now I force myself to create things that take up less time. Well, some of them take up far more time, but I try...